This is new Newstalk television commercial causing controversy at the moment. The station reports that RTÉ has refused to play it saying it goes against its guidelines.
Newstalk has lodged an official complaint with the Competition Authority as a result of a decision by RTÉ to refuse to broadcast the ad which tells viewers to “Move The Dial” to Newstalk.
Newstalk submitted the ad to RTÉ on Thursday, 17th April and confirmation of its refusal was received, by Newstalk, on the same day.
RTÉ has claimed that it has guidelines for accepting advertisements from other broadcasters but it has refused to publish them.
“RTÉ must make public these guidelines immediately in an open and transparent manner. It is abusing its dominant position while taking over €180 million of taxpayer’s money annually.” Mr Gerard Whelan, Newstalk CEO, said today.
But if you haven’t already seen it, watch above or app users can touch here.