The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has received two applications for community and community of interest radio sound broadcasting services for Tramore and Dublin City respectively.
Both the services were advertised by the BAI last February and the applications come from the existing operators.
Irish language service for Dublin City
An application was received from Comharchumann Raidío Átha Cliath Teoranta, trading as Raidió na Life, for a community of interest service for Irish language speakers in Dublin City. Raidió na Life currently operates a 10 year community of interest service which is due to expire on 31st January 2017.
Community radio service for Tramore
An application was received from Tramore Community Radio Limited, trading as Tramore Community Radio, for the community radio service for Tramore. Tramore Community Radio has operated a number of 100-day pilot community radio services in recent years.
The BAI will now review the applications to ensure that all information requested in the Guide to Submissions has been received and that the applications are valid. On completion of this review, the applications will be made publicly available.