Broadcast Moratorium for Referenda begins

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has reminded broadcasters that they must comply with the moratorium regarding the two upcoming referenda, which comes into effect this afternoon.

The Moratorium is provided for in the BAI Guidelines in Respect of Coverage of Referenda (which can be seen on the BAI web site) and includes the prohibition of:  “material which relates directly to the referenda issues and related constitutional amendment(s). This includes material pertaining to the merits or otherwise of the referenda issues and / or constitutional amendments proposed”.

In the run-up to and the duration of the voting on the Marriage Equality Referendum and the Age of Presidential Candidates Referendum, the moratorium will apply to all on-air personnel, including, but not limited to, presenters and representatives of referenda interests and groups, including political parties.

The ban on discussion of all referendum related material runs from 2pm this afternoon and ends with the closing of polls at 10pm tomorrow evening.

The BAI also confirmed yesterday that a moratorium also applies for the same period with regard to the Bye-Election for the Carlow/Kilkenny Constituency, which is to be held on the same day.

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