BAI gives €625,000 to 88 new radio projects

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has announced details of the latest funding awards under The Sound & Vision 3 Broadcasting Funding Scheme.

Funding amounting to €5.774m has been allocated to 120 projects. Of this, 88 radio projects will benefit to the value of €625,000 while just over €5.149m has been allocated to 32 TV projects. Some 220 applications for funding were received in this Round 29 of the scheme, seeking funding of €19.4m.

While the number of applications is similar to recent rounds, there is a slight reduction from Round 28 in respect of the amount requested. The general ratio of TV (81) to radio (139) applications remains unchanged. Once again, documentary is by far the most popular format for which funding was sought. Some notable projects supported in the current round include:

“Comeback”: a documentary for RTÉ One on boxer, Katie Taylor, as she turns professional.

“Jump Girls”: a bi-lingual documentary for TG4 on the lives of women making their living at the top of national hunt racing.

“Charred Remains”: a documentary for Newstalk on the burning of the Public Records Office during the Civil War.

“Na Treibheanna: Music for Life”: a bi-lingual series for RTÉ One which will explore the worlds of music subcultures in Ireland.

“The Future is You”: a series for Oireachtas TV designed to inform 10- to 13-year-olds about the systems of government in Ireland.

Commenting on the announcement, Chief Executive of the BAI, Michael O’Keeffe said: “The Sound and Vision Scheme is a key element in the delivery of the BAI’s Strategy, particularly under the themes of promoting diversity and plurality and enhancing innovation and sectoral sustainability. We are very pleased to continue supporting high quality radio and television projects for the enjoyment of Irish audiences. ln addition, BAI support is now a key element in funding plans for higher value projects and, as such, it contributes to the sustainability of the independent production sector in TV and radio.

“Once again, applications for funding under this round far exceeded the money available for allocation. However, with funding awarded for 25 programming genres across TV and radio, we are confident that these projects will entertain and inform Irish viewers and listeners.”

The BAI will now commence contract negotiations with successful applicants. A full list of the projects being offered funding is available to download here.

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