Breakfast is moving later in the day for PJ & Jim on Classic Hits as they move their show to an 8am start.
From this Monday morning PJ & Jim on Classic Hits will start two hours later than normal and be on-air till midday, Monday to Friday.
Jim Mc Cabe told RadioToday: “We know our loyal listeners no longer have to put up with the morning commute to get to the desk anymore – some because they are working in the kitchen and some because their workplace has had to close up shop.
“Our job is to make sure that everyone starts the day with a good laugh right now – so we want to be there when you wake up and get the day off to the best start we can.”
Jim denied that this new arrangement had anything to do with him demanding a longer lie in from Classic Hits management.
When asked to quote for this news PJ Gallagher said: “No bother, 500 quid for cash!”
Nikky Hayes will start the day on Classic Hits from 6am and Niall Boylan will be on from 12 noon, followed by Damian Farrelly at 2pm.