Joanne Carroll, People & Culture Director at Communicorp Media, and Spin 1038 Assistant Programme Director Nick Karkazis have joined the Board at Learning Waves.
The appointments were made at it recent AGM, at which Chairperson, Lena Murphy, outlined the vision of the organisation for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.
Nessa McGann from Spin South West and Jonathan Barker from Classic Hits stepped down from the board. They were both thanked by the board members for their contribution to the board over the years.
Project Manager, Teresa Hanratty gave an overview of the organisation’s activities during 2019, so far in 2020 and for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021. This overview included details of the funding secured by Learning Waves from Skillnet Ireland and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland for 2020.
Some of the highlights for the organisation in 2019 were the design and delivery of a Journalism Graduate Programme supported by member companies, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and Skillnet Ireland. The programme saw 5 journalism graduates placed in 5 radio stations across the country for a period for 5 months.
The graduates worked across the newsrooms of the five stations and some of them have been retained by the station in which they completed their placement.
The audience also heard about the TY Media Week which was supported through the Broadcasting of Ireland’s Sound and Vision fund. This programme saw 191 TY students participate in a week-long TY Media Week across 13 radio stations which resulted in 22 hours of broadcast content on 13 radio stations. The programme aimed to support 15 radio stations in the roll-out of this programme but due to COVID 19 two stations could not complete the programme.
Full details of the activities of Learning Waves for 2020 can be viewed in their 2019 Annual Report which can be accessed here.
In addition to the review of activities for 2019 and the plans for 2020, the election of Board Members for 2020-2022 took place. The board announced the addition of two new members to the board for 2020-2022.
Joanne Carroll, Communicorp
Joanne Carroll is the People & Culture Director at Communicorp Media since 2017, responsible for ensuring Newstalk, Today FM, 98FM, Spin and Spin South West are great places to work. Joanne has 20 years’ experience across a variety of sectors and HR specialisms, and is a graduate of GMIT and National College of Ireland.
Nick Karkazis, Spin 1038
Nick is a 30 year old Aussie living in Dublin. He has been in Ireland since Christmas of 2012. His wife is Irish and together they have an almost two year old child together with one more on the way. Nick has been passionate about radio for as long as he can remember. At 14 he started doing weekend shifts OnAir in Australia at a local community station. Since then he has worked for some of the biggest radio brands in Australia like 2Day FM in Sydney and I’m still currently OnAir with a weekly show (remotely) for KIIS in Sydney & Melbourne. He has been with Spin 1038 since coming to Ireland, joining in mid 2013. He has done OnAir work casually filling in for people and has been full time behind the scenes as the head of Imaging. He has been Assistant Programme Director for the last 2-3 years.
In addition to the above, the following members are remaining on the board of Learning Waves for 2020-2021:
Michael Crawley, LMFM
Fiona Stack, Radio Kerry
Maria McKenzie, iRadio
Lena Murphy, Beat & WLR FM
Martin Howard, Shannonside
Fionnuala Rabbitt, Highland Radio
Patricia Monahan, Newstalk
Trish Laverty, Communicorp
Ciara O’ Connor, East Coast FM
Bernadette Prendergast, Galway Bay FM