A new joint body to represent radio in Ireland has been created by the IBI and RTÉ.
Radiocentre Ireland, modeled on the UK organisation of the same name, aims to achieve growth in advertising investment on Irish radio.
It will have a business-to-business focus and help promote the entire radio sector, replacing the Choose Radio initiative which went before it.
The board will be made up of seven Irish media executives – three each representing IBI and RTÉ.
These include Dan Healy, RTÉ; Geraldine O’Leary, RTÉ; Debbie Kennedy, RTÉ; Sean Barry, Wireless; Simon Myciunka, Bauer; Tim O’Keeffe, Radio Kerry and John Purcell, Independent Chair.
John Purcell says: “The radio and audio sector has undergone a rapid evolution, with exciting new opportunities to offer. The organisation will bring co-operation between the independent radio stations and RTÉ to a whole new level, ensuring that the scale, versatility and cost effectiveness of radio is properly appreciated in the marketing mix.
“We’re looking forward to using the best of Irish and international research and innovation to ensure that marketeers, advertisers and clients can understand and access the unique influence and position that radio commands in today’s exciting audio landscape.”
Its goals are to:
- Grow the share of radio in the overall commercial marketing environment and seek to make the medium an essential choice for advertisers and marketeers
- Establish reliable information about the value and scale of the radio market in Ireland and source, maintain and provide a trusted source of ongoing information about the size and value of the Irish radio market
- Use research to demonstrate the value, effectiveness; flexibility and impact of radio and provide relevant case studies to advertising agencies; marketeers and direct clients
- Ensure that measurement tools used in relation to radio are effective in representing the strength and impact of radio and toward that end represent the position of the membership of the organisation in appropriate contexts, for example the JNLR Management Committee
- Improve standards of understanding and awareness of the scope and impact of radio and its benefits as a marketing medium, undertaking
– Events to highlight relevant research relevant to agencies; advertisers; direct clients
– Sourcing endorsements from clients and customers; users and opinion formers in the Marketing area
– Highlighting best practice, innovation, and effectiveness - To ensure that radio practitioners can respond, adapt, and adjust to the changing needs of the market in Ireland, undertake training and education initiatives to improve levels of practical skills, creativity, and innovation
- Seek to attract new talent into the industry and undertake initiatives to foster and develop interest in radio and careers in the commercial aspect of the medium through targeting activity at Schools, Colleges and Training organisations
- Where appropriate, represent an agreed position of Radiocentre Stakeholders in relation to legislation/regulatory instruments in relation to commercial activity that potentially impacts the commercial operation of member organisations and to represent the interests of members where activities of other organisations impact on the operation, viability, and sustainability of the sector
Radiocentre Ireland is now recruiting a hands-on, energetic executive with the experience, industry credibility and thought leadership to be the ambassador for the radio sector in Ireland.