Learning Waves has secured funding for its Journalism Graduate Programme for 2023.
The programme will see 10 graduates placed across 10 Independent Radio Stations for a period of 5 months beginning September 2023.
The programme involves plenty of hands-on training which will equip the students with the skills to work in the different departments of a radio station, such as the newsroom, current affairs, and sports department.
The students will be assigned a mentor in their radio station who will guide them through their training journey. In parallel to their work in the radio station, they will also take part in a training programme run by Learning Waves.
The programme will be supported financially by Coimisiún na Meán, previously known as the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Skillnet Ireland, Learning Waves Members and Learning Waves. In assessing the application for the 2023 programme, the assessors acknowledged the ambition of the 2023 programme and the emphasis on inclusivity and equality of access.
The programme will allow graduates to build their portfolios and create new programme content which will be reflective of the station’s audiences.
During the programme in 2022 graduates got the opportunity to create and present content looking at the areas of Sustainability and/or Equality and Diversity. The content had to be unique to the station in which the graduates were working and there had to be a commitment from the radio stations to broadcast the content.
In addition to having the opportunity to create and broadcast content, graduates can now also avail of the opportunity to obtain a Diploma in Broadcast Journalism on successful completion of the programme. The programme is certified by the London College of Music and graduates in addition to securing employment now also have an additional qualification on successful completion of the programme.
Of the ten graduates who took part in the programme in 2022, 8 are now working full-time in the Independent Radio Sector in Ireland. Graduates are now employed in the following stations :
- Midlands 103 (2 graduates)
- iRadio
- Newstalk
- Radio Kerry
- Off the Ball
- Shannonside
- Ocean FM
If you are interested in applying for the Journalism Graduate Programme 2023 apply here.
The closing date for student applications is the 20th May 2023. Students will then be shortlisted and interveiws will take place. Final selection of graduates will take place in June 2023 with placements commencing in September 2023.
To find out more details on the programme and to see the list of stations applying for the programme see this link.