Clare Duignan, Managing Director of RTÉ Radio has decided not to renew her contract when it comes up in June and will leave the company.
She’ll be replaced in the meantime by Head of Radio 1 Jim Jennings who’ll take up the postion of Acting Managing Director.
Speaking today, Ms Duignan said: “Making the decision to leave RTÉ is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have a huge commitment to RTÉ, to its people and what it stands for. But I now want to make the space to pursue the many other opportunities which are available to me and which I have had to let pass up to now.
“It’s an exciting chance to move into the next chapter of my career and I look forward to contributing to new areas of work with the same energy and commitment which I have always brought to my various roles in RTÉ.”
Clare said the media world has changed hugely over the last four years during her time in charge but it’s been a privilege and a challenge to steer RTÉ Radio through it. She’s proud that RTÉ Radio carries the title of International Broadcaster of the Year from the New York Festivals, which means a lot to her.
Speaking of Ms Duignan’s decision Noel Curran, Director General, said: “Clare Duignan has been a key figure in RTÉ. She spearheaded the development of the Independent Production Unit in RTÉ Television, where her contribution was industry-changing.
“As Director of Programmes, Television, and subsequently as MD of RTÉ Radio, she has been a passionate advocate for the public service, and has placed the public service ethos at the heart of her services. We will particularly miss her deep understanding of audiences and their needs, and her expertise in strategic communications.
“Although she made her decision to stand down some time ago, I am grateful that, at my request, she has stayed on to contribute to the recently completed RTÉ Strategic Review and Multi-Annual Plan, and to steer RTÉ Radio through some difficult periods. She leaves RTÉ Radio not only with a stable audience base, but with a legacy of quality that places it among the best in the world.”
Ms Duignan will leave RTÉ at the end of June, after which she intends to pursue a portfolio career in a number of new areas. RTÉ Radio will hold a public competition for the post of Managing Director in the coming months.