Dates announced for new BAI funding rounds

Dates for your diary as the BAI announces the closing dates for applications to Sound & Vision II – the Broadcasting Funding Scheme in 2014.

The core objective of the Broadcasting Funding Scheme is to increase public access at national, local and community level to high-quality television and sound broadcasting programmes in English and Irish which explore the themes of Irish culture, heritage and experience, in contemporary or historic contexts. The Scheme provides funding to broadcasters and independent producers to enable them to produce such programmes.

Three rounds will operate during 2014, two of which will be open funding rounds with a funding of €4.75m available towards the production of television and/or radio programmes. The remaining Sound & Vision II round in 2014 will specifically target animation and education projects, with funding of €1m available.

The 2014 closing dates for the rounds are as follows:

16th January – Open Round. Decisions expected in April
24th April – Targeted Round (Animation and Education). Decisions expected in June.
24th July – Open Round. Decisions expected in October.

The BAI will publish new guidance for applicants to the Scheme over the course of the next week. Applicants are advised to read the updated guidance prior to making an application under the Scheme.

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