Chief Executive Michael O’Keeffe has said the BAI is committed to promoting and encouraging a culture of compliance and accountability amongst broadcasters and contractors by working with the sector and encouraging more focused self-reporting.
Michael was speaking at an industry-focused briefing event on the BAI’s new Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
It deals with the BAI’s approach to its monitoring, compliance, investigation, and enforcement functions. He added: “Compliance activities represent a core element of the BAI’s work. Our approaches to compliance have evolved over many years, principally with the aim of monitoring, encouraging and promoting a culture of compliance within the broadcasting sector in Ireland, as well as providing safeguards for audiences. Compliance also informs key areas of work such as the awarding of licences, the development of codes and rules and provides useful information on overall industry trends.
“The new Compliance and Enforcement Policy provides a clear framework for all compliance activities and aims to give clarity and certainty in relation to the BAI’s general approach to compliance and enforcement matters in the normal course.”
“In seeking to provide a degree of certainty to broadcasters and contractors, the BAI strives to ensure that the implementation of compliance and enforcement activities and processes are fair, evidence-based, proportionate, consistent, accountable and transparent in both deliberation and outcome,” Mr. O’Keeffe added.
The event provided broadcasters with details on the principles underpinning the policy, the various methods of compliance and enforcement and an overview of the practical impact of the new policy on broadcasters’ dealings with the BAI.