This weekend sees Today FM presenter and Undertones frontman Paul McLoone join the line up on 1052 TXFM to present a weekly show, entitled “Another Side, with Paul McLoone”.
The new show will air Saturday evenings from 6-7pm, starting tomorrow, and is in addition to Paul’s popular alternative music show which airs weekdays from 9pm on Today FM.
Each week, Paul will take an in-depth look at a particular artist, showcasing the range of their work.
Speaking about the new show, Paul McLoone said: “Another Side, with my good self is a weekly journey through the work of a major artist/band, with an emphasis on some of their lesser known or heard tunes. Essentially an hour-long alternative snapshot of their work, hopefully showcasing the artist in a new, perhaps unfamiliar light”.
Week 1 of “Another Side” focuses on singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer David Bowie.
In the few months since its launch, TXFM, Dublin’s alternative music station – which replaced the old Phantom 105.2 last March, is attracting a daily audience of 20,000 listeners, according to the latest JNLR radio audience results, and features familiar names including Claire Beck, John Caddell, Cathal Funge, Kelly-Anne Byrne and Joe Donnelly, as well as respected music blogger Nialler9, and musician, producer and regular with Lisa Hannigan’s band, Gavin Glass.