Top questions answered about the PPI Radio Awards 2016

The PPI Radio Awards event director Mary Menton has taken time out to answer our questions about the upcoming event.

The closing date will soon be upon us – 4pm on June 30th – so not long now to get your entries in.

The awards are sponsored by Phonographic Performance Ireland and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

Where do I go to find out all there is to know about the 2016 PPI Radio Awards?

Where can I see a list of categories available to enter in the 2016 awards?

Go to the home page of the website and click on categories – all will be revealed!

How do I choose the correct category for my entry?

There are 37 categories which you may enter so you need to choose very carefully. Click on the categories on the home page of the website and you will see that they are organised into 5 groups – Music, News, Speech, General and People. Click on the relevant group for your entry and then on the different categories in that group – do make sure to read there ALL the buttons regarding entry requirements and judging. That makes it easier to choose the right category for YOUR entry.

Can I enter my programme twice?

No – programmes may only enter one category and only once in to that category.

Are all categories “programme” categories?

No – where a category is a “ programme category” this is clearly stated at the top of the category. Examples of categories which are not programme categories are “ News Story” “Sports Story” and all the categories in Group D – General.

Can I enter two of the “People” categories?

No! You may now only enter one of the People categories ( Group E) – new rule 2016.

Can I enter the Newcomer Award ( E8) if I am new to radio but have TV experience?

No! You must be new to broadcasting since June 1st 2015 with no previous experience.

Can I go in and out of the same interview when I am putting my entry together?

No! This is considered as “post production” and will disqualify your entry. You may include a piece from an interview in your entry but must not edit out of that interview and then back to it, as this is not as it was broadcast.

Are the Judges really strict on the time limit for each entry?

Yes! One minute over the time limit with your entry and you will be disqualified.

Are all entries required to be 20 minutes long?

No – duration of entries varies – be sure to check the entry requirements!

Who will judge my entry?

There are 90 Judges chosen from the Radio industry in Ireland and the UK. Each category has three Judges who follow a strict judging format, which is monitored. The Judges have eight weeks to listen to the entries and then meet in person in early September to select the winners.

Is winning a PPI trophy good for my career?

Yes – it has proven to be so many times! It’s a valuable trophy! Enter and win in 2016!

Good luck to everyone who is submitting an entry from RadioToday!

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