Radio Nova is to continue its current fundraising campaign for homeless charity Focus Ireland by extending its annual ‘Help Our Homeless’ Radiothon into a live event, to take place this coming Friday.
The Focus On Music event will take place at live music venue Tramline on Friday 9th and will feature Irish talent, with live performances from Paddy Casey, the Rob Strong Band, The Deletentos, Picturehouse and Ham Sandwich. Focus on Music will be free to attend but donations made on the night will be encouraged and collected by Focus Ireland.
Nova’s Radiothon finished on with a total raised of €60,898 but the station expects the tally to increase over the coming days. Its second day tally in 2017 was €53,000.
“It’s our 4th year running the Help Our Homeless Radiothon on Radio Nova and the response from our listeners has been overwhelming. With approximately 9,000 people now homeless in Ireland, an unprecedented number of families and children now homeless, the need to help is greater than ever and our listeners have not been found wanting in their desire to donate”, said CEO Kevin Branigan. “We’re honored to have such loyal and caring listeners”.
The station will announce its final 2018 tally on Friday 16th March. It’s 2018 Radiothon involved an on-air pledge drive, an on-street bucket collection and the Focus On Music event. The Radiothon was also supported by the 56 Applegreen stores in the Greater Dublin area.