Raidió Rí-Rá is on FM around the country for the Bank Holiday Weekend.
The youth chart station is broadcasting for the St Patrick’s Day holiday in Dublin, Limerick, Cork, and Galway.
For five days Rí-Rá is broadcasting chart and pop music, daily news updates, gig guides, and chat and music shows with a cast of new presenters and will be available live on FM radio in Dublin (105.2fm), Cork (106.7fm), Limerick (105.5fm), and in Galway (87.7fm), as well as on its usual platforms.
Speaking ahead of the broadcast on March 13th, Raidió Rí-Rá Chair Traic Ó Braonáin said: “We are looking forward to interacting with our listeners – the presenters can’t wait to take requests and to chat to their audiences, especially young people and schools! The community can get involved on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and requests can be sent by tagging the station on line with the hashtag #RRRfm, and requests will be played or read out on air.
“We’d like to thank the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, who helped us achieve this development opportunity, and the chance to prove that the station is ready to take the next step to provide a quality service for young people at a national level, as Gaeilge.”
Raidió Rí-Rá’s Station Manager Emma Ní Chearúil said: “The past few weeks have seen huge developments for Raidió Rí-Rá. We are now a team of three full time staff, which means that we have been able to produce a full schedule of high-quality content, to welcome new presenters and producers, and to develop a full and comprehensive day-to-day broadcast schedule.
“We will be using this time on FM to showcase our schedule as it is – complete with talk shows, chart shows, alternative music programmes, podcasts, daily news, gig guides and live presenters – to prove that we are ready to provide a full national FM service as Gaeilge to young people across the country.”