A special mass to prayer for a change in weather conditions is to be broadcast live by Midwest Radio this Wednesday at 12 noon.
A message on the station’s Facebook page has been going around, which provides details of the event, aiming to help farmers who have been facing a fodder crisis with poor growing conditions.
The station said that farming is at the heart and soul of everyday life in the region and that they were responding to numerous calls from listeners to be proactive in doing what they could to help farmers in their current plight.
The screengrab was first tweeted by @finalbossmedia and as you can see below, has gained a number of retweets!
Radio station in the west of Ireland goes full Father Ted in a bid to improve the weather… pic.twitter.com/6VtHKyftpy
— Peter Ganley (@epicnewsdaily) May 20, 2013
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