Cork’s 96FM Radiothon raises over €3m

Staff at UTV Media in Cork are celebrating raising over €3m for charity as the annual Giving for Living Radiothon comes to an end at Cork’s 96FM.

The €3m barrier was broken this year as the three day event raised almost €406,000. The benefitting charities are the long-term heritage partners, Mercy Hospital Foundation; the CUH Charity and Marymount University Hospice. This year, for the first time, Cork ARC Cancer Support House and Breakthrough Cancer Research will also benefit.

Programmes were broadcast live from a special studio at The Mercy Hospital for the three days with regular live inserts from a team at CUH and also at Marymount.

Chief Executive of Cork’s 96FM and C103 Kieran McGeary said: “To raise €406,000 in the current climate is testament to how much the people of Cork trust Cork’s 96FM and the transparent local charities that are benefitting. Cancer is unfortunately something that touches us all at some stage and the money raised by Radiothon each year is being used by the charities to help Cork people.

“I would sincerely like to thank the people of Cork for their tremendous support of Radiothon yet again. I am very proud of the 96FM team who work so hard and selflessly on this event each year.”

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