Radio Nova has celebrated its 5th birthday by promising listeners the “Big 5” – five big announcements that the station will make during September, the first of which was the promise that the long-running ‘Nova Noise’ competition would be won this month.
This first announcement came yesterday, on the station’s birthday itself, and follows three weeks of the station giving out clues in order to make it easier for listeners to guess the Nova Noise – which has, in its latest incarnation, been running for 30 weeks, with a jackpot now in excess of €7,500. The prize money will go to the first listener that guesses the noise and the station guarantees to keep giving out clues as the month progresses until it’s guessed.
Four further big announcements are now expected during the month of September, which station CEO and programme director Kevin Branigan says “will make the month an exciting one for its 143,000 listeners”.
He adds: “5 years on-air is a huge milestone for us and we’re celebrating big-time. We’ve a few things up our sleeves this month to thank our listeners for their support since we launched. Nova will definitely be THE station to listen to this month!”.