Cork’s 96FM’s latest station promotion, the Wall of Cash, started on-air today after weeks of pre-promotion.
A mobile 48-sheet billboard is touring the City and County over the next two weeks, and one side has thousands of “euro” stuck to it. Listeners will be invited to listen out for opportunities to guess the amount of money at various points across the day.
At the end of the two weeks, the listener who has the closest unique guess, without going over the amount, will win the overall amount of cash.
The promotion is being sponsored by Right Price Tiles.
Chief Executive of Cork’s 96FM & C103, Kieran McGeary told RadioToday: “96FM is synonymous with exciting and innovative promotions. I think The Wall of Cash is one of our more novel ones. As well as building listening, we are aiming to build awareness and recognition of our new logo which we rolled out two weeks ago.”