The first day of the Cork’s 96FM Radiothon is underway and will continue until May 27th.
The fundraising event is held to help cancer services in Cork and is managed by Mercy University Hospital Foundation. Last year it raised over €421,544 for the Mercy Hospital, Cork University Hospital, Marymount Hospice, Breakthrough Cancer Research and Cork Arc Cancer Support House.
All 96FM programming between 6am and 7pm on Thursday and Friday and between 10am and 6pm on Saturday will be broadcast from a special studio at the Mercy Hospital. There will be regular links from the Cork’s 96FM Streetfleet based at the other charity locations.
As part of the Cork’s 96fm Giving for Living Radiothon the station played stories about people’s personal experiences with cancer. “With your support, we can make real change happen to ensure those dealing with cancer get the care they deserve right on their doorstep,” the station says.
Chief Executive of Cork’s 96FM & C103, Kieran McGeary, said: “It’s hard to believe that this is our 10 th Annual Giving for Living Radiothon. It only seems like yesterday that we were launching our first one. The event is now firmly established as one of the biggest in the fundraising calendar in Cork. The generosity of the people of Cork never ceases to amaze us. Hopefully this year will be no different.”