We’ve taken some of the best photos posted by attendees at the PPI Radio Awards this evening and put them in a handy gallery for you.
First up, photos taken during arrivals and dinner.
Best of luck to Fully Charged up for BestBreakfast Show at the PPI Radio Awards!! #PPI14 #PPIawards #winning pic.twitter.com/kypdcu20fD
— SPIN 1038 (@spin1038) October 3, 2014
Mary o Neill and Sinead Aherne enjoying the @PPIRadioAwards 2014 #ppi14 @michaeltmbyrne as a stamp pic.twitter.com/2jEQI2zrby
— WLR FM (@wlrfm) October 3, 2014
.@RTENewsAtOne broadcaster Aine Lawlor is inducted into the PPI Hall of Fame at tonight #PPI14 Radio Awards @rtenews pic.twitter.com/nLYyfkRvXA
— RTÉ Press Office (@RTEPress) October 3, 2014
@pjcoogan holding court at #ppi14 @lanaredfm pic.twitter.com/99B6CXvAop
— Jonathan Healy (@jonathanhealy) October 3, 2014
#ppi14 good luck guys 😉 @PPIRadioAwards @bbcradioulster XXX pic.twitter.com/N5cGK65WaE
— Marcus Hunter-Neill (@LadyPandMe) October 3, 2014
Greetings from #PPI14 @NickyByrne @djjennygreene @RTE2fm pic.twitter.com/Tyed32GZ1J
— Nicky Byrne Show 2fm (@nbshow2fm) October 3, 2014
G'wan @RealTonyFenton! Hall of Fame baby! We are all so proud of you! #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/9g433Hwsow
— Today FM (@todayfm) October 3, 2014
Mary o Neill and Sinead Aherne enjoying the @PPIRadioAwards 2014 #ppi14 @michaeltmbyrne as a stamp pic.twitter.com/2jEQI2zrby
— WLR FM (@wlrfm) October 3, 2014
With the lovely Fiona Stack and @finuge at #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/aoKf0ZIIsw
— Treasa Murphy (@costanzatm) October 3, 2014
Quare wans strikin a pose at the #ppi14 awards in KK pic.twitter.com/HsdfqHg9CL
— Paul Collins (@paulcollinstipp) October 3, 2014
The @TodayFMNews team having the craic at the PPI Radio Awards in Kilkenny #PPI14 @todayfmofficial pic.twitter.com/l0SeNw3B9r
— Fergal O'Brien TV3 (@FergalOBrienTV3) October 3, 2014
What are we doing here again?? Where's the tequila?? #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/iGau6nDTpC
— Caroline Clarke (@carolineclarke) October 3, 2014
Life made. @NickyByrne and me #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/8ipXAnG2WR
— Lauren Spin1038 (@LaurenSpin1038) October 3, 2014
Nice tribute to #bbc's Gerry Anderson at tonight's @PPIRadioAwards from Sean Murtagh #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/scVOPds1x8
— Shane Smyth ?? (@shaneirishguy) October 3, 2014
@LMFMRADIO crew at the PPIs 2014. #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/fSIpnLjJmL
— Eamon Duffy Radio DJ (@eamonduffyDJ) October 3, 2014
Myself, @MariaDevereux and @DermotTodayFM at the #PPI14 bash! Yaaaay the lads! pic.twitter.com/UaS6JFP4Th
— Dave Moore (@DaveTodayFM) October 3, 2014
Team @98FM assemble #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/KYpXk5xv30
— Maria ✏️ (@Maria_Shannon) October 3, 2014
Let the games begin! @gavinblake @edsongsofpraise #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/L5ToU8VKLw
— Pamela Blake (@PamelaABlake) October 3, 2014
600 sitting for dinner @LyrathEstate for @PPIRadioAwards #PPI14 & great to see #Kilkenny crew @1fastlane working hard pic.twitter.com/spq1jkWn2L
— KCLR 96FM (@kclr96fm) October 3, 2014
Despite a right fingering from @DaveTodayFM, we couldn't tie a bow-tie from scratch. Still, we scrub up OK? #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/IyeMXfY9t2
— Brendan O'Loughlin (@Brendan98FM) October 3, 2014
Ready for the PPI awards! @Gailiana @MartyGuilfoyle @atsignIan #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/wG9tIk1N5J
— Beat 102 103 (@beat102103) October 3, 2014
First of many #PPI14 selfies I'd say @brendadennehy @Corks96FM pic.twitter.com/KWSCWmSsGR
— Deirdre OShaughnessy (@deshocks) October 3, 2014
As ready as I'll ever be! Good luck @wendytalksback @NewsDuffy @bbcradioulster #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/jRFdw48gKr
— colette maguire (@colettemaguire) October 3, 2014
Just arrived @LyrathEstate for @PPIRadioAwards with @themartinhoward @finnoalan Best of luck to all nominees! #PPI14 pic.twitter.com/Anr7SDO238
— John Herlihy (@herlihyjohn) October 3, 2014
Main Photo: RTE