Public oral presentations are required by the BAI’s Contract Awards Committee to ask further questions about the applications for the Highland Radio Contract.
The event forms part of the competitive licensing process for the broad-format local sound broadcasting service for North Donegal.
There were two applications submitted for the radio service in response to the BAI’s call for applications published in the national press earlier this year. The applications were submitted by Donegal Highland Radio Limited, trading as Highland Radio and Donegal Commercial Radio Broadcasting Limited, trading as DLFM.
The Committee initiated its consideration of the two applications at its meeting yesterday. The Committee considered that there were issues requiring clarification and/or further information required from the Applicants and agreed that such information would be sought by both supplementary questions and oral presentation.
It is intended to hold the oral presentation in the local area in March 2014. The BAI will announce the time, date and venue on completion of the final arrangements for the oral presentation.
There are a further three competitive licensing processes underway and the consideration of the applications for these services will be conducted over the first quarter 2014.